—— P R O D U C T D I S P L A Y ——
—— A B O U T N O V A D E K O ——
Nova Deko在11年前就提出了制造预制模块化房屋的设想。从生产厨房、浴室柜等室内设备开始,公司在这方面的业务迅速发展成为极其成功的出口业务,产品销往美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和包括丹麦、瑞典和德国在内的多个欧洲国家。
Nova Deko's vision for the manufacture of prefabricated modular housing was born 11 years ago.
Operations commenced with the production of internal fixtures such as kitchens and bathroom cabinets,and this aspect of the business grew exponentially into an extremely successful export operation,with products destined for USA,Canada,Australia and various European countires including Denmark,Sweden and Germany.
—— L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N ——